DC04 Marios Kaminiotis - UEiffel
The context of this PhD project is the one of Non Destructive Techniques and, more generally, Structural Health Monitoring. This topic represents one of the core major research topics of UGE Laboratories (Lab SII: Structures and Integrated Instrumentation as well as Lab GEOEND: Geotechnical and Non Destructive techniques) in collaboration with CEA List Laboratory (numerical innovation dedicated to innovative key solutions in the fields of, among others, NDT and SHM). In each of those academic structures researchers and engineers developp conceptual and operational platforms in NDT and SHM to be transferred to industry. Example of PEGASE Platform : a Generic Wireless Platform embeding a Linux-inside operating system to adress many use-cases in Civil Engeeniring or SACHEMS : SAClay High-end Equipment for the Monitoring of Structures. The focus of this PhD regards Wireless Sensor Network for wich the scientific locks are identified. For example : in a recent PhD we adressed the way to save energy on PEGASE platform while keeping a deterministic level of time synchronization based on a GPS module (~120 mW of power) maitained turned off as long as possible ; we prooved the ability, for instance to keep an power consumption under 10 mW while keeping wirelessly synchronized up to 1 µs. In an another recent PhD, we used orginal designed of aero-piezo electric harvester to extract energy from small wind turbulences. For instance, with a small aero-piezo (320 µm on 2.2 cm) we harvest up to tens of Volts with a wind speed variation under 6 m /sec. In a general way a clear roadmap is written about what should be an efficient self-powered sensor in SHM configurations.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Energy Embeded Instrumentation
Research field: Electrical engineering
UEiffel (Nantes, France)
Université Gustave Eiffel
36 months
From 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2026
Stay tuned...
The monitoring of components to detect small defects in a critical structure over time is a key goal of operators. It offers the potential to enable safe and cost-effective operations of a range of composite structures across many industrial sectors (aeronautics, wind energy, naval etc.). A key challenge with embedding sensors is an efficient energy management of the system to limit its intrusiveness. Recent research at the UEiffel has shown that selfpowered piezo-electric sensors may be achieved by harvesting energy from low frequency vibrations of the structure in operation. In parallel, CEA has developed an energy efficient passive guided waves imaging strategy for defect detection by post-processing high frequency ambient noise, i.e. without active emission of wave in the structure. Coupling both approaches would lead to energy free permanent ambient noise monitoring. Although the core concepts behind this have been established, coupling both approaches has not yet been explored. Herein lies the primary aim of this project. More specifically, the researcher will: (1) explore how electronic system may be optimised to maximize energy harvesting using embedded piezoelectric sensors used for passive imaging in a range of materials, from carbon and glass composites to concrete and difference sources of vibrations (spectrum, energy); (2) embed optimised sensors into several experimental structures with project partners; (3) explore how the sensor measurement performance may be improved through the use of signal processing expertise within the consortia; and (4) investigate synergies with the other techniques developed in USES², e.g. using ultrasound sensors as an acoustic source of noise in combination with the fibre optic sensors developed.
1. Energy harvesting system based on sensors optimized for passive ambient noise imaging.
2. Experimental validation of sensor performance when embedded in real structures.
3. Signal processing approaches to maximise energy harvesting efficiency and defect detection for a range of embedding scenarios.
4. Case studies exploring how multi-technology (e.g. optical fibre and PZT) monitoring approaches may be developed and deployed for structural monitoring.
- Airbus, Jaime García-Alonso, 2 months, M11-M12: Investigating the application of sensors optimised to aerospace structures.
- UBRI, Anthony Croxford, 2 months, M25-M26: Exploring wireless communication for self-powered sensors.
- Isamgeo, Alessandro Broveli, M29-M30: Exploring ambient noise monitoring of soils with embedded sensors.
- Self-powered communicating wireless sensor with flexible aero-piezoelectric energy harvester. Elvessier. Julien Le Scornec , Benoit Guiffard , Raynald Seveno , Vincent Le Cam , Stephane Ginestar
- Frequency tunable, flexible and low cost piezoelectric micro-generator for energy harvesting. Sensors and Actuators A Physical. Julien Le Scornec , Benoit Guiffard , Raynald Seveno , Vincent Le Cam
- Energy-efficient GPS synchronization for wireless nodes. IEEE Sensors Journal. David Pallier, Vincent Le Cam, Sébastien Pillement
- Passive guided wave tomography for structural health monitoring. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2019, Druet, et al., https://hal-cea.archives-ouvertes.fr/cea-02975905/file/manuscript.pdf
DC04 Marios Kaminiotis
Local academic supervisor Vincent Le Cam
Industrial co-supervisor Jaime Garcia Alonso
PhD supervisor Bastien Chapuis