E-learning platform

Welcome to the USES2 E-Learning Platform, your centralized hub for accessing the rich knowledge shared during our training events and scientific seminars. This platform is designed to enhance learning and collaboration by providing access to lecture recordings, presentation materials, and key resources from our expert-led sessions. Whether you’re revisiting a favorite lecture or exploring a topic for the first time, the platform ensures that the insights and advancements discussed during USES2 are always at your fingertips. Join us in fostering innovation and deepening expertise in ultrasonic and seismic embedded sensors for non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring.

WP1 - Innovative sensor technologies

Insight on sensing and instrumentation by Dr. Sylvain Magne (CEA) ->pdf

Wave propagation theory by Prof. Anthony Croxford (UBRI)

Environmental assessment of SHM by Dr. Bastien Chapuis (CEA)

Ultrasonic arrays by Prof. Anthony Croxford (UBRI) part 1 -> pdf, part 2 -> pdf

FPGA-based sensor signal processing by Dr Georg Glaser, from IMMS -> pdf

Signal processing by Dr Florian Roemer, from IZFP -> pdf

Development of a passive tomography system for corrosion monitoring in pipes  by Dr Bastien Chapuis (CEA) -> Youtube video


WP2 - Advanced imaging using mechanical waves

Industrial monitoring needs (nuclear) by Dr.Jean-Marie Hénault (EDF)

Conception rules of hydrogen reservoirs for automotive applications by Dr. Stéphane Villalonga (CEA)

Site amplification mechanisms of earthquake-induced shaking by Prof. Giorgio Cassiani (UNIPD) -> pdf

Passive monitoring of buildings by Dr. Gwénola Michaud (Isamgeo) -> pdf

Wireless communication for IoT by Dr. Silvia Krug (IMMS) -> pdf

Measurement uncertainty by Dr Ernst Niederleithinger, from BAM ->pdf

Acoustic emission by Dr Anna Sklodowska (BAM) ->pdf

Measurement Electronics by Dr Julius Oeff (BAM) -> pdf

Passive methods, ambient noise by Dr Ilaria Barone (UNIPD) ->pdf


WP3 - Smart and robust structures and materials

Industrial monitoring needs (aerospace) by Dr. Jaime Garcia Alonso (Airbus Defence and Space)

Materials/structures damage mechanism and growth, site effects (composite) by Mr. Gustavo Baños Lapuente (Airbus) -> pdf.

Machine learning by Prof Giovanni Delgaldo, from TUIL -> pdf

Operational mitigation by Dr Jaime Garcia Alonso (Airbus Defence and Space)

Environmental mitigation by Prof Arnaud Deraemaeker (ULB) ->pdf (part 1) ->(part 2)


Soft skills content

Bibliography tools by Audrey Lilin (CEA) ->pdf

Intellectual property rights by Dolores Martinez (UPM) ->pdf

Psychology of new Technologies: Acceptance and Usability byProf. Nicola Döring (TUIL) -> pdf.

Responsible innovation by Ms Mireia Bes Garcia and Ms Ellie Hart (UBRI) -> pdf.

Science communication by Prof Arnaud Deraemaeker, from ULB ->pdf1  ->pdf 2 ->pdf3

How to write State of the Art by Prof Arnaud Deraemaker, from ULB -> pdf  

Effective Presentations: Planning, Designing of Slides, and Delivery  by Prof Parisa Shokouhi, from PennState University -> pdf