PhD: Study on environmental and operational conditions for SHM systems

Work Package

 WP1 - Innovative sensor technologies
 WP2 - Advanced imaging using mechanical waves
XWP3 - Smart and robust structures and materials



The project aims to develop a new methodology for Environmental and Operational Conditions (EOC) compensation in events and damage diagnostic SHM based on mechanical waves (passive and active) derived from the exploitation of experimental data and datadriven models (Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), plus advanced signal processing techniques) with additional support from FEM and analytical solutions. The robustness of this kind of models is directly linked with the amount and quality of experimental (and theoretical) data used. The data integrity and correctness assurance methods will be applied to guarantee that no bad data are fed to the data drivenmodels. In addition, independent verification and validation practices will be followed (i.e. cross checking with FEM an analytical reference models). This development will support the reliable use of diagnostic SHM in actual applications, such as the maintenance of in-service aircraft composite structures.

Planned intersectoral, interdisciplinary and international secondments

  • UEiffel, Odile Abraham, 2 months, M13-M14: Gain experience with elastic waves in civil engineering and test NCWI on composite panels.
  • IZFP, Florian Römer, 2 months, M20-M21: Gain experience in compressed sensing.
  • ULB, Arnaud Deraemaeker, 2 months, M26-M27: Gain experience in civil structure sensing.